

Thursday, November 6, 2014

And The Winner Is....

First we just want to say thank you to everyone that participated in our first ever giveaway! You guys rocked it! We apologize for any confusion you may have felt with the voting. We have taken note on some things that we can do a little bit differently next time. And speaking of next time, we plan on doing a giveaway twice a year, in the spring and the fall. So start thinking about who you may want to nominate in the spring!

We had over 350 votes! And it was close. So close. We have read the stories over and over, and we're glad that we put the ultimate decision up to you- we couldn't have picked just one! The votes are all counted, and we are pleased to announce that Shannon Nolan is our winner! Congratulations Shannon! We are looking forward to working with you and your beautiful family.

Mary & Missy

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